The birth of a mother can be more intense than the birth of a baby. Childbirth lasts a few hours, but the birth of the mother may last years!

This is why this period of time is also known as “the fourth trimester”.

The Amrit Postpartum Care - the nectar of motherhood:
My background is Ayurveda -the Indian traditional health care system. Therefore, I incorporate the Ayurvedic tradition of postpartum care, which has evolved over 5000 years, and is acknowledged by the World Health Organization as “the world’s most ancient, scientific, holistic and complete system of healthcare” .  


As a postpartum consultant, I believe and advocate that postpartum care refers to the various types of support a woman can -and should!- receive in the first 40 days (at least) after giving birth. Postpartum is a process that happens in stages and unfolds in layers over time, requiring long term emotional and practical support. In my point of view, the “nectar” relies on allowing the mother to “being” -in instead of “doing”.

PACKAGES are based on regular weekly visits which (may) include: postpartum planning, massage and preparation of nourishing food, breastfeeding support, belly binding, birth debriefing and assisting with healing birth trauma (if needed), baby massage instruction, providing opportunities for naps, helping with household chores, helping with older sibling or even helping organizing with outings, father support. Also available for phone calls or emails throughout the first 3 months after birth. To finish off, a surprise gift pack filled with nourishing and grounding traditional ayurvedic preparations will be delivered to your door as soon as you are ready.

POSTPARTUM PLANNING SESSION - Individualized program to help parents-to-be to identify the real needs of the future family, look at expectations, fears and clarify the family’s visions and dreams. Together we design a plan which will be the guide for the weeks after birth. Delivered in person or on-line.

AYURVEDIC CONSULTATIONS - diet and lifestyle adjustments to support the mother through the first days, months and years after giving birth.

AYURVEDIC COOKING CLASSES - learn the principles of Ayurvedic diet and how to prepare nourishing meals that will support your postpartum. Ideal for husbands, grandparents or any support network.